Office of the Dean
Office of the Dean

Position Searches

Position Searches

Academic Unit Leaders should notify the Office of Faculty Resources, Planning and Assessment with the names of search committee members when new committees are formed. This may be done in an email to the Associate Dean for Faculty Resources, Planning, and Assessment. 

Beginning July 1, 2015, all full-time faculty searches must be conducted through HR Integrated Employment System. Part-time positions do not need to be openly advertised in IES, but nonetheless need to be posted in the IES portal through the direct user function so that background checks may be completed. For questions about posting positions in IES, please contact Le Anne Herzog. 

The guiding principles for faculty searches are departmental collegiality and transparent, open, and competitive processes. Please read the following before beginning a position search:

CAFE Guidelines for Faculty Search Process and Committees

AR 3:5: Statement for Recruitment and Selection of Faculty

Legal Considerations Presentation

Faculty Search Evaluation Tool


Equal Employment Opportunity Statement

The following Equal Employment Opportunity statement should appear at the bottom of all position descriptions, job postings, and advertisements:

"The University of Kentucky is an equal opportunity university. We encourage applications from women, minorities, and all interested and qualified people. Our coordinator is Tim West, S-105 Agriculture Science North, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY 40546-0091." 

For more information please see: 



Advertising and Posting Open Positions

Open positions should be posted on the UK Integrated Employment System (IES) and be advertised widely for a minimum of 45 days.  Additionally, it is important to document the advertising process in order to stay in compliance with governmental regulations regarding equal opportunity and visa regulations. 

All positions should be widely broadcast through discipline-based listservs, journals, professional meetings, and shared with colleagues, etc. Advertisements should last for a minimum of 45 days and coincide with the IES posting dates of the vacancy.

Academic Units should consider writing the position announcement to be "open rank," rather than limited to assistant professor if they think there is a chance they may want to hire a candidate at a senior rank. 

Academic Unit Leaders should keep a paper or electronic file to record the procedures used in the search, including when and where the position was advertised. Because all M-G CAFE faculty positions are now posted through IES, academic units are no longer required to report equal opportunity data on Affirmative Action Information sheets. 

Once a position is posted in IES, an HR representative will contact the academic unit to discuss options for advertising the position. Academic units have two advertising options, working through the HR public relations firm, or managing the advertising through the unit. 

HR Employment has arranged for job postings to be automatically added to the following job boards at no cost to the departments: Inside Higher Ed, Higher Ed Jobs, Higher Education Recruitment Consortium, Academic Keys, Diverse Issues in Higher Education, Insight Into Diversity, and Latinos in Higher Education. Academic units can additionally request HR Employment's approval and assistance in posting to other job boards, including field specific publications, but may incur costs for these advertisements. 

See also, Advertising Guidelines for International Candidates.


International Candidates

The following additional information applies when advertising or hiring an international candidate:

International Student and Scholar Services

Advertising Guidelines for International Candidates

H-1B Status (fees are the responsibility of the hiring department)

Permanent Residency/Green Cards (fees are the responsibility of the employee)


Guidelines for Offer Letters to New Faculty

Office of Faculty Resources, Planning and Assessment

Brian Lee, Ph.D.
Associate Dean for Faculty Resources, Planning and Assessment


Misty Howard, PHR, SHRM-CP
Assistant Director of Faculty Resources


Tricia Coakley, M.P.A.
Assistant Director of Planning and Assessment


N3 Agriculture Science Center North
1100 South Limestone
Lexington, KY 40546-0091

Contact Information

Dr. Laura Stephenson

S123 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4772