Office of the Dean
Office of the Dean

Win With Wood

Win With Wood

Year: 2017
Project Leader: Bobby Ammerman, Laurie Thomas, and Rosalee Bradley
Department/Program: Department of Forestry
Funding: $800

Win With Wood (WWW) is a unique opportunity for Kentucky’s youth to learn more about forestry andthe impact forest activities have on our great state. This annual fun‐filled competition allows 4‐Hers,middle school, and high school students to compete in eight different forestry related events. Anotherimportant component of the program has been the development of support materials and training aidsfor each event that can be used by county extension agents and leaders, as well as by students and theirteachers. The competitive events include: wood and tree identification, tree measurement, compass andpacing, forestry tool and woodworking tool identification, and soil judging. WWW is held at the WoodUtilization Center at the Robinson Center for Appalachia Resource Sustainability each October. Eventsrun concurrently from 9:30 am through 1:00 pm. Students and volunteers are served lunch during theevent. Scores are tabulated and entered into an Access Scoring Database concurrently as the eventsprogress. Awards are presented at the closing ceremonies at 1:00 pm. In 2015, 191 students participatedand we anticipate 250 students will participate in this year’s event. Noncompetitive educational eventsand Forestry industry displays are available to students, and teachers throughout the day.

Contact Information

Dr. Laura Stephenson

S123 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4772