Office of the Dean
Office of the Dean

Southern Forest Insect Work Conference (SFIWC) Annual Meeting

Southern Forest Insect Work Conference (SFIWC) Annual Meeting

Year: 2021
Project Leader: Beth Kyre and Lynne Rieske-Kinney
Department/Program: Entomology
Funding: $1,000

The Southern Forest Insect Work Conference (SFIWC) was organized by federal, state, university and private sector forest entomologists working in the southern United States and has met annually since 1956. SFIWC fosters cooperation and information exchange between forest entomologists by allowing and encouraging state and federal foresters/entomologists and academic personnel to actively participate together in SFIWC activities. Participating students present a 12-minute talk highlighting their research in various aspects of forest entomology and pathology. All students are given feedback from professional entomologists, with the top two contestants receiving awards. Students are also encouraged to present posters. SFIWC provides a constructive platform on which students gain experience in effectively communicating their research and interfacing with professional forest entomologists. This is the first time in the 61-year history of SFIWC that the meeting is in Kentucky.  The objectives of this meeting are multifold: to advance the science and practice of forest entomology; to provide a medium of exchange of professional thought; to serve as a clearing house for technical information on forest insect problems of the southern United States.

Contact Information

Dr. Laura Stephenson

S123 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4772