"Seed Funding” for the Future Crop of U.K. Agronomy Club
Project Leader: Ben Goff
Department/Program: Undergraduate Agronomy Club
Funding: $200
The U.K Undergraduate Agronomy Club is in the process of being “rebooted” again and one of the one of the issues that have plagued previous iterations of the club has been fundraisers to generate annual revenue to support club activities. The funds requested are for the initiation of four annual fund raisers for the club will utilize to become a self-sustaining student organization within the college. These fundraisers include growing and selling of fall décor (e.g. fodder shock, “indian” corn, and pumpkins of various shapes/sizes) to sell to the Ag Roundup and the general public, selling popcorn in Ag. North once a week while classes are in session, selling burgers and other items purchased from the UK Butcher Shop for lunch in at the Alumni Plaza, and creating soil texture kits to sell to FFA/4-H soil judging teams. It is anticipated that these projects will result in several thousands of dollars in profit that the club will use for future fundraisers and other endeavors.