Office of the Dean
Office of the Dean

Food Safety Internal Audit for Small Food Businesses in Kentucky

Food Safety Internal Audit for Small Food Businesses in Kentucky

Year: 2016
Project Leader: Paul Priyesh Vijayakumar and Melissa Newman
Department/Program: Animal and Food Sciences
Funding: $500

This project will create an Internal Auditor Training Program uniquely adapted to engage small food processors and producers in Kentucky. A complete audit system is vital for the safety and quality of food products. The new food safety modernization act (FSMA) proposed by the FDA requires small businesses to go through an accredited third party audit in order to fulfill FSMA requirements. An auditing procedure is an expensive affair especially for small, local food companies. Further, failing an audit would require fixing the non-conformances and re-audit, adding to their financial burden. This one day training will train current employees in the company on how to conduct an internal audit of the facility against Global Food Safety Standards. This process would increase the success rate of the third party audit. The program is being offered jointly between the UK Food Systems Innovation Center and the Department of Animal and Food Science. Students interested in food business/food safety will be provided with an opportunity to attend the one-day training program. We anticipate 75 regional start-up and small businesses will use this training program.

Contact Information

Dr. Laura Stephenson

S123 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4772