Development of Educational Materials for Avian Bowl Contests
Project Leader: Jacquie Jacob and Tony Pescatore
Department/Program: Animal and Food Sciences
Funding: $500
Avian bowl is a double elimination contest for teams of two to four members patterned after other knowledge bowls. Contestants must have a comprehensive knowledge of subject matter for several species of poultry, food safety, physiology, nutrition, eggs, and other related subjects. Questions are drawn from the National Avian Bowl manual. Part of the avian bowl manual includes a copy of the Eggcyclopedia from the American Egg Board. The Eggcyclopedia makes reference to a variety of different cooking equipment as well as finished dish that are hard to explain without showing. This project group plans to make a series of different educational materials that highlight these different pieces of equipment, the finished dishes and what can go wrong if you don't follow the instructions correctly (such as over- heating, beating, etc., or using the wrong piece of equipment) A variety of different pieces of cooking equipment will be purchased and used to create the dishes identified in the Eggcyclopedia using local 4-Hers. This material will be developed for use at the county level and to train top senior avian bowl participants at the state level to compete at the national level.