Office of the Dean
Office of the Dean

Couponing for a Cause

Couponing for a Cause

Year: 2017
Project Leader: Jennifer Hunter
Department/Program: Department of Family Sciences
Funding: $500

"Couponing for a Cause" will be a service-learning component integrated into the FAM402:Issues in Family Resource Management coursework. The class will be divided into fivegroups, each group would identify a community/non-profit organization, which provides a serviceto individuals and/or families, such as The Nest or The Hope Center. Each group will meet witha representative from the organization and discuss the donation needs of organization and thepeople they serve, for example toiletries, diapers, cleaning supplies, etc. Each student group willthen be responsible for planning, coordinating, and completing an "extreme couponing" buy for theorganization. The goal this project is not to teach the students to become extreme couponers but itis designed to reinforce many of the course concepts (spending-saving plans, budgeting, resourcemanagement, and organizational skills). Furthermore, many of our students will graduate and seekcareers in "helping professions," this activity would provide them an opportunity to explorepotential career paths and learn about some of the everyday struggles experience by the audiencethey seek to work with in the future.

Contact Information

Dr. Laura Stephenson

S123 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4772