Office of the Dean
Office of the Dean

Challenge Me 4-H club

Challenge Me 4-H club

Year: 2019
Project Leader: Janeen Tramble, Jonathan Sink and Jennifer Sink
Department/Program: Trigg County 4-H
Funding: $900

Special education students will explore, reflect and apply learning processes in a 4-H Challenge Me Club.  This club will develop leadership, initiative, self-reliance, sportsmanship and many other desirable traits to be a responsible citizen at school and their community.  Each special needs child will be paired with peer mentors.  These are students who have gained skills in 4-H, or other agriculture areas.  They will have an opportunity to apply those skills and knowledge to assist and improve the life of a school peer they may never have met outside this club; therefore, an underlying message is promoting inclusion in our local school.   We hope the peer mentors will be sympathetic to peers who are unique.  Our goal is for the special needs students to to explore activities in in a variety of agriculture areas in a safe friendly environment.  All club members and peer mentors will make friends for life, learn valuable skills, experience pride of working and accomplishing success by their responsibility to each other and their animals or projects. 

Contact Information

Dr. Laura Stephenson

S123 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4772