Office of the Dean
Office of the Dean

4-H Micro Truck and Tractor Pulling Project

4-H Micro Truck and Tractor Pulling Project

Year: 2016
Project Leader: Torey Earle
Department/Program: Science, Engineering, and Technology in McCracken County
Funding: $1,000

Through the use of 1/10 scale remote control vehicles in a small scale version of what many rural and farm youth have seen in full scale, the 4-H SET program will introduce youth to the technology, engineering, math and physics behind the sport of truck and tractor pulling.  By allowing youth to experiment with power requirements, gear ratios, weight transfer, motor size and type, friction and more, this project will bring these real world challenges to a manageable and portable size for club and classroom use.  Educational workshops for youth and adults to further include the safety behind proper implement hitching and trailer hookup while letting them see what could result from proper and improper hitching and towing practices. This initiative will begin on the district level, but project leaders are optimistic that this will become a national 4-H project and curriculum.


Contact Information

Dr. Laura Stephenson

S123 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4772